Thursday, May 28, 2009


I am not sure if the lung infection was mild or if it was always pnemonia but today they said she has pnemonia. They are not sure if extubating will be a good idea since the mucus secretions are suctioned from her breathing tube. The decision would be made by the night doctor around 4pm. At 5pm she was extubated, she is having a hard time breathing on her own. Her face and head is still swollen, possible reasons; surgery, pnemonia, breathing tube, still trying to figure out. They want to see how much she can do on her own.

I pray for her to release the fluids that make her swollen, for her to figure out how to breath calmly with her fixed heart, for her to get rest and for the pnemonia to clear up.

Thank you for your text, emails, positive thoughts and prayers.

HOPE, FAITH and LOVE I hear what you are saying to me....

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