Monday, August 17, 2009

Talking and Moving

Amber is doing great... thank you for continuing to pray for her health, growth and strength. And of course for all your prayers for our family, we are very grateful. We praise the Lord for all these miracles he has done for Amber.
This week oral therapy was not too good. On Tuesday the therapist forgot the bottle in her office across the street so we did the same old same. On Thursday Amber had her first bottle feed. She was really interested in the milk but did not know what to do with it. Next week (current week) we will try to bottle feed while also doing the E-stem therapy. This is where she receives little shocks to help her muscles contract. We are hoping that with this, she will swallow as the milk comes from the bottle. Again, we will do this a couple of times and then re do the swallow study.
Amber is doing her baby talk more and more. She is also moving around and turning from side to side. We put toys in front of her and she tries to reach for them. She is doing really good inspite of the lack in much needed physical therapy. There should be someone coming on Friday to see when that will start. I hope it's soon.
I was unable to download a video of Amber talking but I have it on Facebook if you are interested in seeing it... I will try again here but not sure if it will take. Kyana continues to be the big helper, sweet girl while Taylor continues to be my challenge. I understand her though... I was a middle child too :-). Nothing else to report, it was a good week... I turned another year older, took Kyana and Taylor to Disneyland along with a few friends (Maria, Eddie, Maribel, Gary and Brooke) then we all met up Paul, Jill and Sarah Beth for dinner while my hubby had Amber at home. Oh and I got to sleep in, my husband is the best... Good Job Dave and Linda.

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