Sunday, August 23, 2009

Still Waiting for Physical Therapy

On Friday two ladies from Regional Center came by to see what Amber needed. They decided she would get one hour a week of physical therapy... now they have to find the therapist to come to the house. I hope they don't take too long. She had her second swallow session on Thursday using the E-stem, she didn't like it. Therapist said it will take some time for her to get used to having liquids in her mouth and needing to clear them down her throat. I hope this week is a better week. On Saturday we had a little scare... although it hasn't happen again we haven't heard back from GI, there was a little bit of blood that come back from her feeding tube into the venting tube. The blood was the size of your thumb nail and bright red. I will call GI on Monday to follow up, but can you believe it they still haven't called us back.

We continue to take our family Sunday walks which she loves. She looks around and takes it all in. We've been putting her on her tummy this week and I will continue that in her daily exercises. She is coming along and getting older. We have some appointments coming up in two weeks so I will find out her current weight... funny when you are young how important it is for you to gain weight but then when you get older all you want to do is loose it :-)

Thank you for all your thoughts, positive energy and prayers. Have a good week.

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