Thursday, July 9, 2009

Almost 5 Months

Amber will be 5 months tomorrow (07/10) we have a cardiology appointment and I will update with her current weight. She is doing well except for a minor blood in her stool that could be cause by strain from pooping. On Sunday she had little red blood spots in her morning poopie diaper but nothing the rest of the day, then same on Monday and Tuesday. But on Wednesday it was in all her poopie diapers, needless, to say without getting too disgusting she’s ok just a little cut in her bottom. It should go away on it’s own but we will discuss it with GI on Monday. Today we saw the eye doctor. All is going well with her sight. Her right eye is a little lazy so we will be doing a patch over her left eye one hour a day to make it work and we are back to eye drops twice a day. Overall she is doing well and the girls just love her. Kurt and I continue to get little sleep. Kyana will start Vacation Bible School on Monday, while Taylor will start her summer program at the Montessori school to prepare her for Kindergarten in September. My mom will continue to come on Monday and/or Tuesday while my in-laws go home on Monday for a much needed break from all their wonderful help. It will be interesting to see how I handle life at home with three kids by myself during the day.

Thank you for keeping Amber in your prayers and in your hearts, please continue to pray for things to reveal themselves as we learn more about her brain, her physical situation (g-tube for feeding, eye sight, blood in poop, oral therapy and physical therapy) and of course her heart. Also keep these babies in your prayers too: Molly, who had 1 of 3 heart surgeries and it home trying to gain weight. Graciella, who had her heart surgery last week, was extubated, is doing well and has down syndrome. Mikey, whose mom had to go back to work after taking 6 months off to take care of him, he still needs 2 more heart surgeries and has liver problems. Milagros, who just had her 2nd heart surgery and should be going home soon to wait for her 3rd surgery. I hope you enjoy the updated pics…take care and God bless you.

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