Sunday, June 14, 2009

She Is Doing Great

Just a quick update on how my girl is doing. It's been four days since they took the oxygen away and she is still doing great on her own. The plan is to send her to Mission CHOC to finish her recovery and then home. They will transfer at some point on Monday. They have to step down on the morphine and other medications find a balance for what she will need for home, adjust her breastmilk dose, make follow up appointments and send her home.

I just realized I will have all 3 girls at home in about a week... oh oh

Everyday I thank the Lord for Amber and her success, what a wonderful gift :-)

Please continue to pray for the kids and families:

Milagros (Miracle) she is Ellen's daughter from the previous post. She did not have the emergency surgery after all, she is holding on and they are hoping to wait as long as they can until she is bigger. I am told her surgery would be really hard on her fragile little body.
Molly - 1 of 3 heart surgeries done should be going home from CHLA soon
Graciela - heart surgery pending still at home with family
Joy - current status unknown but needed heart surgery while at CHOC
Raymond - little boy doing chemo therapy
Mickey - 1 of 3 surgeries done, problem with liver not a candidate for transplant due to heart condition. Enzymes should be 60 when he came in they were 9,000
Josefina - 1 year little girl accidently kicked by guys playing football at the park, hit head lost brain fluid, was in a coma for a week, learning how to walk again not sure the extent of damage.
Amber - Neurology consult still pending... our next journey.

I will post pictures once I am home on Monday, she is looking so good. It's hard to see what's normal... she cries a little every now and then, she looks around and wiggles a lot, then falls asleep for an hour or so, and it starts all over again. She has very little agitations that we know of right now doesn't seem gassy either. We will see.

Thank you


  1. I am very excited about Amber's progress. Today we were told to celebrate in anticipation of the blessing. So today I celebrate God's grace and mercy looking forward to her complete recovery!

  2. Look at that beautiful face!!!!! Yesterday I went to Lorraine's church to see her perform and the whole time I thought of Amber. At times I had to prevent my tears from coming out cause I knew that one drop would start a never-ending flow. We sang songs and praised our Lord for the strength he gives us during difficult times. I just want you to know that I am proud that all of you have continued to pray, believe and trust the Lord with your lives when others may lose sight during difficult times. I love you all and will continue to be here for you whenever you need me! Love, Mel

  3. What a GREAT family picture! This makes me so very happy! She looks fantastic!! She has been on an amazing journey and has been a champion the entire time! Have fun with your girls -- if nothing else, it will be quieter than being here with my boys!! Speaking of which, Kurt is really outnumbered now! Maybe this is what is meant by 'King of the castle!' :o)
