Thursday, June 11, 2009

It's A Wonderful Day

Amber is doing so good... thank you Lord for her health and strength. She is no longer getting oxygen assistance, she is breathing regular room air. No tubes in, around or near her nose :-)

I am home today but I can't wait to see her tomorrow and hold her again. The current plan is to transfer her to Mission CHOC late Friday or some time on Saturday.
Please continue to pray for her and for the following little babies:
Molly - 1 of 3 heart surgeries done should be going home from CHLA soon
Graciela - heart surgery pending still at home with family
Joy - current status unknown but needed heart surgery while at CHOC
Raymond - little boy doing chemo therapy
Mickey - 1 of 3 surgeries done, problem with liver not a candidate for transplant due to heart condition. Enzymes should be 60 when he came in they were 9,000
Josefina - 1 year little girl accidently kicked by guys playing football at the park, hit head lost brain fluid, was in a coma for a week, learning how to walk again not sure the extent of damage.
Ellen's little girl - 2 of 3 heart surgeries found new problem and went to emergency surgery yesterday when I left.
Your prayers are powerful and heard, my Amber is proof of that... thank you.


  1. You are always in my thoughts, prayers and meditations. I will for sure add the other children to my list as well as the babies I care for at UCI! I am so glad Amber stayed extubated!!! HOORAY!!!


  2. Jessie, you and your family have been in our prayers. You are such an inspiration, with the strength that you've shown through such difficult times. I know little Amber is drawing from this strength (from Kurt) too, and will be home with all of you in no time.
    God Bless!
    Love, Kate Bonnevie(and the rest of the family)

  3. Jessie and Kurt,

    I read this post and it brought tears to my eyes! I am so happy Amber is doing better and pray that she continues to improve. The other children will also be in my prayers.

    Kim V

  4. This is the best picture I've seen yet. Glad to hear the news. Certainly, we will keep you and all the children and their families in our prayers!

  5. Love those CHEEKS!
    Hello little Amber! You look MARR-VE-LLOUSSS! Can't wait to officially meet you one day soon!

  6. What a good girl! I knew you could do it Amber! There is just something extra special about you and your friends. They, too, will pull through. All they need is to have us believe that they will. Every day will be a brighter one for these little angels! Love you... Auntie Mel!
