Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Doing Great

I am late again with the blog... sorry :-(

It was a very busy week and it's not going to get any easier. The girls started school Kyana in 4th grade with Mrs. Justl (4th/5th grade combo); Taylor in Kindergarten with Mrs. Buxton (Kyana's kindergarten teacher and an awesome person all around) and Amber continues to go with Amanda her Oral therapist.

On Tuesday, Amanda found a bottle by First Years which has the same feel as her pacifier from the hospital "soothie". What a great find, she took 3 cc on Tuesday, 10 cc on Thursday and today 15 cc... she is progressing. I didn't think it could happen but we will start doing home trials this week. I will have to get some bottles myself to have a back ups. We also started physical therapy... finally... on Monday, Wednesday and Friday.

I don't have any pictures to add this time but I will next time... my external hard drive crashed without warning or explanation but my wonderful husband brought it back to life. I would have lost all my pictures and videos of the girls... ALL.

So my girls have given me no personal time unless I decide to become a vampire :-)
Kyana has school from 8:15 to 2:35pm Monday through Friday possibly going to gymnastics on Fridays. Taylor has school from 8:15 to 11:45am Monday through Friday would like to find something for her to do after school once a week. Amber has oral/physical therapy 9:00am to 9:45am Monday through Friday with the usual once, twice or more times a week doctor appointments. This week Tuesday E.N.T. says she might have an ear infection due to extra fluid in the left ear; we will do antibiotics for 10 days. Wednesday is Ophthalmology to see if she will need surgery on right eye again to remove the scar tissue. Thursday is Neurology... also finally. I hope they don't cancel or reschedule this one.

As always, thank you for your good thoughts, prayers and positive energy. I will add pictures and update on Sunday :-). Take care.

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