Friday, April 17, 2009

Coming Home Soon - Again

Hi everyone,

As you know last time Amber came home I found out the same day and once she was here I did not have a chance to tell anyone before I knew it she was back in the hospital.

So let me now give you a little bit of notice Amber is expected to come home in the next few days at the latest Monday but as soon as tomorrow (Saturday). I will make sure to text someone who is next to a computer so they send the update to all that she is home. Molly I will make sure I call you or that Kurt calls you for sure :-)

While I was at the Ronald McDonald House (by CHLA) I met a little boy, he was the cutest little 1 1/2 year old ever. He was smiling and giggling as his older brother played peekaboo with him. We were in the elevator so I asked the dad holding him if they were going home. He said "oh no we're not done yet, we come every month for the last six months for chemo." The elevator open and we both went our separate ways but I saw them a few times more on the floor I was at. I couldn't help but ask for his name so that you wonderful people could add him to your prayers. His name is Raymond and as his mom open the door he walked out still smiling and having a great time. I grabbed his hand and he was pulling me to go with him, he just wanted to walk around his smile never left, even though I could see his little eyes were red. I don't know how they do it, I am a mess. I see Amber most of her hair shaved off because "heart babies don't have good veins for IVs" So they say the best ones are on their head. She had the tube down her throat, her face would get red from screaming and crying but there was no sound. I feel like one thing comes after another and I don't have time to process any of it because I am off the next one....

Thank you for your prayers and continued support. Thanks Maria for watching my girls on Wednesday and Thursday while I was in LA. And for taking breastmilk to Amber at Orange CHOC since they don't transfer milk. Thanks Cathy V. for watching the girls while Maria ran off to the hospital. I know it was last minute but I am glad you were home to help me out. The girls said they had fun playing with Abby plus the got away with getting Mac & Cheese (which the usually get once a week) They scored with you :-) Thanks Sherry T. for taking my carpool, always covering me while I run around for Amber. Thanks Charlie for bringing Kyana home all week after school. And of course Thanks Robbie for keeping Amber's breakfast, lunch and dinner safely frozen.

Love you all,
Jessie & Kurt


  1. Hi Jessie!

    WE love you and find you to be a brave warrior during little Ambers trials. MOPS loves you and I am sending continued prayers and lots of love!!

    Loveya, Colleen

  2. She is SOOOOOOO cute! My heart feels for all you have been through! YOu are amazing and WE ALL are baffled by your strength and positive humour and "get to-it-tiveness"! Big Hugs!!! Colleen
