Friday, January 22, 2010

January 2010

We work at it everyday... she loves being outside and mixing with people. She will be a very social child. I guess all the days in the hospital isolated made her want to be around people. Still feeding with bottle no more feeding tube.

January 8 – Dr. Swensson – Amber doing well no more lasix, watch her weight.

January 20 – Dr. Uribe – Amber has lost 4 contact lense but both Dr. Uribe and Dr. Song want to wait and see if she can keep it. Don’t want to do surgery on left eye yet.

January 28 – Dr. Comulada – First year check up, still behind with vaccines.

Physical Therapy – Still going to insurance therapist Monday and Wednesday working on movement, massage and rolling over.

Occupational Therapy – Regional center waiting for new therapist current therapist no longer with RC.

Oral Therapy – insurance therapist Tuesdays and Thursdays working on bottle feeds doing four bottle feeds and two tube feeds a day, also doing stage 2 baby foods and finger puffs. Trying to use zippy cup without success.

Early Intervention Program in Laguna Beach – Every Wednesday, working on motor skills, sensory skills, feeding, and auditory processing.